It's the first-ever holiday issue of Ask The Mask! We unexpectedly received quite a few holiday-related questions in our digital mailbag, so we thought we'd take this moment before winter break to answer them. We'll return to a wider range of topics in January.
For those visiting for the first time, “The Mask” is a group of middle school students eager to help with all your dilemmas. If you’re a middle school student (or a bit younger or older) and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form.
Dear Mask,
I don’t know what to do for Christmas. I feel like I should give my friends gifts, even just a handwritten card, but I don’t have any ideas. Can you help?
Gift Giver
San Jose, CA
Dear Gift Giver,
This is often a problem for me, too, since I love to give everyone unique gifts. Here are some suggestions for gifts to give your friends. First, you can do the classic Christmas cookies! You can add a cute personal note with each of them or personalize each cookie with frosting or sprinkles. If you are not the baking type, or if your friends have allergies, you can make each of your friends keychains, bookmarks, or pieces of art that remind you of them. Handmade presents, even if they’re small, are that much more meaningful. You could also buy a unique gift; I like to go to a fair where there are artists who are very creative and sell lots of handmade presents that can match any personality. Whatever you choose, your friends will love it because it’s from you.
With cheer,
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I want to give my friend a gift. I don’t want to just ask if she has it already, because that will give it away. I have no idea what to do.
Miserable Gift Giver
San Jose, CA
Dear Miserable Gift Giver,
I love your determination in making sure your friend loves your gift. You could try to ask one of your other friends to bring it up in conversation and casually ask the person if they have it or not. That way, even if they figure out that someone is trying to get a gift for them, they won’t know it’s you. If you don’t want any of your other friends to know about this gift, you yourself could bring it up in conversation. For example, you could say, “Speaking of hair clips, do you have one?” As long as you are casual, they won’t suspect a thing.
The Mask

Dear Mask,
During the Christmas season my family has these candles with Christmas tree scent. The smell isn’t so bad, but it gives me a headache every time I smell it. My family blows it out when they see me because they know I don’t like it, but the smell lingers in the house for a long time. What should I do?
San Jose, CA
Dear Grinch,
I understand how you feel. I really hate scented hand soap, for example, but sometimes I just can’t avoid it. I think you should remind your family that you don’t like the candles and then ask them to stop using them. If it’s the particular smell you dislike, you could ask them to buy candles with different scents instead, or just buy candles that don’t have any added smell. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a great Christmas season!
The Mask

Dear Mask,
My friends and I are doing presents, and I made sure to use the same price limit when buying each of my friends’ gifts. But some gifts have a lot of tiny stuff that together equals the price limit, while others are one big gift that meets the price limit. How do I make it look like they are equal gifts so that they do not get jealous of each other’s gifts?
Ms. Elf
San Jose, CA
Dear Ms. Elf,
Making people happy with the gift you give them can be hard. My advice to you would be to add a handmade card or even your own “bling.” This will make it seem special and personalized even if it’s just lot of small things. You could also wrap the gifts really nice so they both look equal; you may want to put them in fancy bags or use cool wrapping paper. Another idea is to give the gift to each friend separately so they don’t see the gifts you’re giving to your other friends. Most importantly, remember not to feel bad. If you thought of them while getting the gift, then they should be happy when they open it up. No matter what you’ve gotten them, I am sure they will love it!
Happy holidays,
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I am doing a Secret Santa with my friends. And I do not know what to get the person whose name I drew, even though I have been friends with them for a long time.
Confused Santa
Denver, CO
Dear Confused Santa,
I’ve been in the same situation. You could get your friend something related to their interests or hobbies, if you know what they are. If you don’t, you can try to subtly ask them during a conversation. Even if you don’t do that, I’m sure they’d always appreciate something handmade, like a card. If they celebrate Christmas, which they probably do if you’re doing a Secret Santa, then you can get them an ornament, or some other decoration, if you’re really stuck. Whatever you do, as long as you put effort into it, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
The Mask
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