Dear Mask,
My little brother always picks his nose, waves his boogers around in the air, and then touches everything. The problem with his boogers is he puts them on the couch and the walls and I just cannot stand seeing his boogers everywhere. Help!
Booger Buster
Dear Booger Buster,
Eww, no one wants to see their brother’s boogers all over the walls! My advice to you is to save up your own boogers in an airtight jar, to retain the moisture. Once you’ve collected enough boogers, stick them everywhere: on the couch, on the walls, even in your brother’s food. This way, you will no longer have to see your brother’s boogers everywhere. Instead, you will see your own beautiful boogers everywhere!
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I am dating this guy and he is so sweet and nice but I accidentally kissed his identical twin brother thinking it was him! After that kiss, my heart slowly started to realize I am in love with his twin. His twin is so much more handsome and muscular. But there is one problem: his twin is dating my best friend and has a strong and undeniable hatred for me. But I shouldn’t worry, this is just a classic enemies-to-lovers trope, right? Our bond will stay strong through our many challenges and we will find each other, right? This is true love, right? Right?
Twin Troubles
Dear Twin Troubles,
This is why you should never date in middle school.
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I have been waiting for years to develop an Adam’s apple. I’ve always wanted that bulgy feeling in my neck. It sounds so marvelous! So, my question to you is, is there a way I can grow my Adam’s apple faster? I want to become a man!
Appleton, Wisconsin
Dear Adam,
You’re right. Being a man isn’t about age or maturity; it’s about whether you’ve developed an Adam’s apple. One of the ways you can grow your Adam's apple faster is to start eating a lot of apples. Granny Smiths are the best for this particular situation. Whatever you do, don’t use Red Delicious! Anyway, once you have eaten about 20 apples, you should examine your neck in the mirror every hour or so, until you see the core of your Adam’s apple start to form. Yes, that means waking up at night, every hour, to look in the mirror. Pay close attention; you don’t want any worms to sneak their way inside! Give it about seven days. If your Adam’s apple appears, congratulations! If it doesn’t, then you may have to become a man through plan B: acting mature.
The Mask