Saturday, February 6, 2021

Ask The Mask, Issue 9

Our new issue this week begins with a series of serious Covid-related worries that we know many of you out there are dealing with. But by the time you're done reading the issue, you will be singing a happier tune (literally!). Don't forget to submit your own advice suggestion after reading the final letter!

For those who are visiting for the first time: "The Mask" is a group of middle school students eager to help with your dilemmas related to the pandemic. If you're a middle school student and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form. If we don't get to yours right away, keep checking back because it might appear in a future issue.

Dear Mask,

Covid feels like the end of the world. How long can people survive without human contact? It is killing me from the inside out. What can I do to make the torture of Covid quarantine less torturous? 


Wanting Contact in the Classroom

[location unknown]

Dear Wanting Contact in the Classroom,

It feels like that for most of us, I think. With the vaccine being distributed, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In terms of dealing with it for now, I think still socializing is super important. There are a variety of ways to do this, like Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, or even something like a Ps4 or Xbox Chat (if you have access to one of these). You can talk with friends or watch a movie, but I would highly suggest playing video games. There are tons of fun mobile games that can help you get through this tough time. Another way you can deal with it is using the people you can spend time with, your family, to your advantage. Make sure to spend time with them. Not only does it help them, but it helps you.

Good luck!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

School is no fun right now. Why can’t we get vacations for teachers first?



San Jose, CA

Dear Kid,

I understand where you are coming from. Even though you feel school is no longer as fun, you should still try to make the best of it. Most states are working to get teachers the vaccine early on in the process. If teachers can get the vaccine, it will make it much safer for schools across the nation. The only problem with that is there's only a certain number of vaccine doses they can make in a given amount of time. While this is hard to understand, basically they have to prioritize who can get it first. Luckily, there is a plan. In California at the moment there are two groups of prioritization. Phase 1A is health care workers, and they are still not fully vaccinated. In most parts of California they have now begun Phase 1B. Phase 1B includes people over the age of 65, school staff (teachers!), childcare workers, emergency services staff, and all employees and people working in the food and agriculture sector. This means that in the near future, some of your teachers will get the chance to get the vaccine. This will all hopefully result in students and staff returning to the classroom! I hope this not only answered your question but also made this whole situation look less scary than you think.

Go teachers!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

Before I begin, may I request that you address me by my full title? Thanks. Lately I have been having a lot of nightmares, especially about Covid. I can't stop being afraid that one of my friends might contract Covid. How do I deal with this?


Overlord that rules over the land with a face of a thousand nightmares

San Jose, CA

Dear Overlord that rules over the land with a face of a thousand nightmares, 

Yes, for sure. There are a few things you can do. If you are scared, you can attend school from home. Also, you can try to inform all your friends about how to stay safe during the pandemic and try to stay as safe as possible by maintaining six feet of distance with masks on. You're not the only one going through this. Some of your friends could be just as concerned. Start a conversation with someone at home about your nightmares, since it’s good to have someone to talk to after they happen. 

Rest easy,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

There's a lot going on. It's pretty hectic. This sounds stupid, but I've been trying to take some time for myself and not overload myself with work, but it's pretty much impossible at this point. I'm just afraid of a lot of things and am very anxious. The only thing stopping me from becoming a complete mess is being a work addict to distract from all of this. It doesn't help that my family is overbearing either. What should I do?


The Confused Human

San Jose, CA

Dear Confused Human,

I understand how this can seem like a lot to take in these days. Remember to not overwork yourself, since that can lead to more stress. Here are some things to try to see if they help. First, try picking up a new hobby. Over the past month, I have started getting really into reading, and I know for me that helps ease some of the nerves and anxiety I can get. You can try different things like drawing, or something relaxing that might help you get your mind off things.

Good luck!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I'm really unhappy. A friend of mine stopped talking to me during online school, and now she hates me! I heard from another friend the awful things she's saying about me, and I don't know what I did wrong. She's spreading these rumors and won't talk to me anymore. How am I supposed to stop her? Help!


Un-Happy Holidays

San Jose, CA

Dear Un-Happy Holidays,

I can relate to this. During Covid and online school, I have had some friends who have stopped talking to me. It is very hard dealing with friends when you can’t see them. During the stay-at-home order or quarantine, people have changed a lot. But your friend spreading rumors is a different story. Since she isn’t talking to you, maybe try asking one of her other friends to tell her something. You could also ask a parent or guardian for help in this situation. But it seems as though she isn’t such a nice person. Maybe, if you're ready, you could move on and find new friends who actually will talk to you and won’t cut you off. Just make sure you are being nice toward her even if she isn’t toward you.

With sympathy,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I am kind of friends with this girl, but she is kind of iffy. She is either my bestie or my enemy. Also she will get mad at you for something, then hold a grudge for like three weeks. She is also really close with my other bestie, so if I stop hanging out with her, then I lose my bestie.


Confused Frenemy

San Jose, CA

Dear Confused Frenemy,

You're in a tough situation. When we couldn't see our friends during quarantine, it was hard to tell what was going on with them, and it was even harder to know if you were still the friends you were before. If this whole frenemy thing is something new, try talking to her to see if something’s going on that's making her upset. If this is the way she has always been, then either you have to deal with the times when she's upset, or you have to look for someone who's not going to hold every little thing against you. If you don’t feel comfortable with either of these options, try talking to your bestie to see if she feels the same way you do. If she does, then you could both talk to your other friend and come up with a solution. I hope this works for you. Just remember that you both have feelings, so you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. 

Good luck,

The Mask

[Editor's note: Our next letter appears to be a response to an earlier letter that we published in Issue 6.]

Dear Mask,

Our friend is taking things too personally. We have asked him about coming to school in person once or twice, and he said that he doesn't know if he will yet. Since then, we have stopped asking. We would still like for him to come, but if he doesn't want to, that's totally fine. We just want to see him in person since it's been so long. What should we do?


The Bumbuhbum Sisters

San Jose, CA

Dear Bumbuhbum Sisters,

Okay, so what you should do is not ask him that often because it seems that you might be bothering him. If you want him to come in person to school, then you should wait for him because if you beg him too often and too much, your friendship might falter and he might not come at all. So think about waiting for a while because he might be asking his parents for permission. If he can’t come to school, I’m sure it’s nothing personal. His parents probably just want him safe.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

How do I go to sleep if I don't want to go to sleep? I am short and tired.


Sleepy the Dwarf

San Jose, CA

Dear Sleepy the Dwarf,

That sounds hard. You could think of random stuff, which will get you tired pretty quickly. Don’t try to do other stuff to keep you occupied. Trust me, I know: I stayed up till midnight because I wasn’t tired, and I regretted it later. Just think about tomorrow, and try not to get up or do other things.

Sweet dreams!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I'm annoyed that my mom blasts her horrible music and sings. She refuses to use headphones and goes on a rampage when I tell her that her singing is horrible.


Gerald Gerard Sebastian Kalluvahsonn

San Jose, CA

Dear Gerald Gerard Sebastian Kalluvahsonn, 

I feel you. Maybe ask her to lower the volume to a tone that’s more comfortable for you and her. If she sings, just keep your opinion to yourself so she does not go on a rampage. To be honest, if it gets too out of hand, just put some headphones on. Of course, you could also try blasting some of your own annoying songs at your mom. I suggest earworms like “Let It Go,” “It’s Raining Tacos,” or that Gummy Bear song.

Stuck in your head now,

The Mask

***** What song do YOU think Gerald Gerald should blast at his mom?! Submit your answer here!

Are you ready to write to The Mask? Here's the anonymous form. Check back soon for a new issue of Ask The Mask!

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