Friday, March 12, 2021

Ask The Mask, Issue 13

This week marks one full year since everything changed. It also marks the final issue of Ask The Mask, as our trimester comes to a close and we prepare to enjoy a new batch of electives this spring. Since launching in December, we have received over 150 letters in our mailbag and responded to a majority of them. To everyone who wrote in: We appreciate your openness and your willingness to share your problems with the wider community. We hope we've been able to help you manage during this difficult time. This website will stay up, to provide you with inspiration and advice -- both serious and silly -- for a long time to come. And perhaps one day The Mask will start up again, with a new staff and new problems to figure out. But for now, stay safe and take care of one another. Here's our final batch of letters:

Dear Mask,

I'm not really sure who I am. I see myself as a friend and sister, but I really don't know anything about myself. How do I know who I am? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know who they are. I feel like an outsider and like I'm different. I'm not asking you to tell me who I am because I don't know myself. But how do I figure out who I am?


Who Am I?

San Jose, CA

Dear Who Am I,

Here is my advice for you. Do what you want to do. And try new things that sound interesting to you. This can help you learn about who you are, by finding hobbies you enjoy without the influence of other people like your friends or parents. Don’t worry about feeling like the only person who doesn’t know who they are because trust me, you're not. A lot of people, maybe even people close to you, are feeling the same way. Also, don’t feel like you really even have to “find” yourself. You are you. Embrace that.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

During quarantine, my family and I have been trying a lot of new activities together, and one of the things we do together that is most fun is hiking. However, during these hikes, my shoes get really dirty! Do you have any tips on how to clean them so that I can keep hiking?


Upset Hiker

[location unlisted]

Dear Upset Hiker,

I know exactly what you mean! I have the dirtiest shoes from going on walks and hikes. I hate it! But since this has happened to me so many times, I’ve tried many ways to get all the dirt off of my shoes. One way is to put baking soda and warm water in a bowl and use a toothbrush to scrub your shoes. This works best on the type of shoe Vans are. But if you have a leather type of shoe, you can try getting a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, wet it, and scrub your shoes; all the dirtiness will come off. Have fun on your hikes with your clean shoes! 


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I'm a decently smart kid and get all A's, but I never feel any challenge when it comes to the school work. Most of the work we are doing I have already learned, so it makes school feel like a waste of time. What should I do? 


Smart Kid

San Jose, CA

Dear Smart Kid,

I understand your problem and how it makes you feel. If you want to learn even more beyond what you already are doing in school, you could ask your teachers if there is anything more you can do, such as extra credit work or something that's just for fun. You could also go on the internet and look for challenging worksheets or for-fun educational videos that interest you. If your school offers any type of advanced program, try talking with your family and looking into them.

Hope this helps!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I always get ignored by a lot of people, and it makes me feel lonely and I don’t know what to do. I just want to make a friend because it is really hard having none. What should I do?


Dr. Depression

San Jose, CA

Dear Dr. Depression,

I'm sorry for what you are going through. It can be tough not having a friend. You can try to talk to kids more in Zoom breakout rooms. You can find out more about the students in your class that way and ask them more about themselves, to build connections with them. You could also just play games with people you know. You could ask them nicely and you could make friends that way. Most people like being included in things, even if the person isn’t their friend (yet). I hope things get better for you.

Hang in there,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have been stressed out from school work. I don't know how to manage it. How should I stay calm? What should I do? 


Stressed Out

San Jose, CA

Dear Stressed Out,

I have been in this situation, as well. Something I have found to be really helpful is setting goals. Do problems 3-6 tonight and 4-7 the next night. This will help manage the workload and break up the assignments into parts. After you finish your goal, it frees up time to do the things you enjoy while feeling stress-free.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

My family just got a new dog, but the dog seems to only like our dad! I want some doggy love too! Do you have any advice? 


Dog Lover

San Jose, CA

Dear Dog Lover,

I understand where you’re coming from. I'm sure your dog already loves you! If you want your dog to grow more fond of you, then you should take care of it the most. That's what usually makes your pet love you lots. It's mostly the food, though, so if you do most of the feeding, then the dog will love you the most. But that's not always the case: It could be the walks or playing with the dog. Whatever your dog likes the most, then that should be your target. I hope this helps!

Rub my belly!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I was watching a show and it’s about monsters and stuff. You may have heard of it. Stranger Things? It’s super scary, and now I’m scared to go outside of my room. How do I build a trap for monsters so I can hurt them? 


Euphrates River

[location unlisted]

Dear Euphrates River,

We all have been down this path before. We all have been afraid that monsters are going to find us. I have watched Stranger Things, as well. It’s a really good, and scary, show. For the trap part: Throw water balloons if you see a monster, because monsters can’t stand water. Make it ice cold too. If it gets too scary, tell your parents and maybe you can take a break. Watch something that isn’t scary. Hope the trap works out. Don’t let the demogorgons find you!  


The Mask

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Almaden Country Day School. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to replace parental or professional advice.