Friday, December 18, 2020

Ask The Mask, Issue 3

We're already on our third issue of Ask The Mask! "The Mask" is a group of middle school students eager to help with your dilemmas related to the pandemic. If you're a middle school student and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form. If we don't get to yours right away, keep checking back because it might appear in a future issue. Okay, on to our latest advice, including a special holiday-themed letter!

Dear Mask,

Keeping myself fit and in shape for sports is really hard right now. Even though I can still go to lessons with the sport I play, we stopped doing that right now. Right now, only a couple of times a week, my dad and I are going to public parks to play, But it's really hard to get a court. Even though I'm doing some exercise and jump roping at home, the lack of exercise I'm used to is driving me insane! I'm not sleeping as well and I'm getting stressed, with no sports to calm me down. Even though we are looking for other places to go play this sport, I feel like, without it, I'm getting lazy and more anxious in my life. What should I do? Thanks for your help! 


Anxious Athlete

San Jose, CA

Dear Anxious Athlete, 

I can totally relate to what you are going through. My sport has been cancelled, too, and I was feeling those exact same things. Here's a few things I have done. First, I went online and found small video drills that I can do at home for my sport. For example, I found a YouTube channel where they do technique drills and other things to keep players in shape while at home. I have also started running more, which has helped a lot. I will normally put on headphones and play my favorite music, and then running becomes a lot more fun. Also, don’t be afraid to try new activities. For example, I have gotten a lot more into biking, and I would recommend you try something like that. I know you’ll find good alternatives.


The Mask

Dear Mask,


My sister is always playing games with her friends at around 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. And that's the time I go to sleep, so it's so annoying for me. My question is how can I make her more quiet or make it so I can't hear her because she is in the room right next to mine?


Annoyed Little Brother

San Jose, CA

Dear Annoyed Little Brother, 

I have a little sister who actually has the same problem as you, except the roles are reversed. I usually get on with my friends and talk and play really loudly and it bugs her a lot. One thing you could do is politely discuss with her that it is disruptive and ask her to play at another time. You could also have a talk with your parents if just talking to your sister doesn’t work, and explain the problem. From there, you could ask your parents to please ask your sister not to play games at that time or tell her to quiet down. You could also ask her to shut the door if she can and if it helps. I really hope this helps!


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I am feeling very lonely recently because I rarely get to be outside my house now. I am able to go to school, and I can still socially distance bike around with my friends, but things don’t feel the same. Some of my friends stay at home for school, and I haven't really been able to talk to them. I also don’t get to get outside as much, as all my after-school activities and social meetups are cancelled. How will I be able to get through this?

Middle Schooler

San Jose, CA

Dear Middle Schooler,

I completely know where you're coming from. It's relatively safe to see people when you’re outside wearing masks at six-foot distances and moving around. Riding your bike with your friends seems fun, and I have a couple other suggestions. You could try having a picnic or going on a walk with them. If you like video games, you could call your friends and play your favorite game togher. Do you and your friends have a favorite movie? You could all do a movie night, either virtual on Teleparty or with masks outside. Try going to an online club in an activity you're interested in, where you could sign up with your friends. We will get through this. I believe you will find something you like to do for the time being.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

My WiFi just loves to stop working. I'll be in the middle of class and everyone freezes. I'm like, "Well, there goes the WiFi." This is more of a technical issue, but it still stops class for about 5-10 minutes. What can I do to either prepare or stop this from happening?


WiFi Buster

San Jose, CA

Dear WiFi Buster,

That’s a tough situation! If I were you, I would prepare for this unlucky scenario by telling your teachers  before class that this has been an issue on multiple occasions and might happen again. I would also do things so you can still effectively work while the WiFi’s out. You can try printing out the assignments, writing down the directions, or maybe downloading Zoom on a device that can use data so you can change devices if your WiFi cuts out again. You can also discuss with your parents about using Xfinity Wireless hotspots, which are becoming very popular and give anyone anywhere high-speed internet. This website finds hotspots in your area using GPS.

Good luck!  

The Mask

Dear Mask,

School online has been very hard. I can never seem to stay focused on the computer during class. It has started to affect my understanding in certain classes. Any advice? 

Struggling Student

San Jose, CA

Dear Struggling Student,

You’re not alone. A lot of other students deal with this kind of problem. Some students go from A-B students to C-F students. There could be reasons you aren’t focused in class. You could be on your phone, or just zoned out in general. You should tell your parents if you’re struggling, and why. If it’s because you're on your phone, you can just put it away. Keep it outside where no one can find it. If it’s because you’re zoned out, maybe turn your volume up to the max and take off any headphones so it makes it harder for you not to listen. You can also try a fidget to give you something to do while you listen.

Stay focused!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

For Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, and Easter, my family and my aunt and uncle each host a few holidays every year. My family usually hosts Thanksgiving, and my aunt and uncle host Easter and Christmas, and we all go downtown for New Years. Sometimes neither one of us hosts Easter. This year we weren't together for Easter or Thanksgiving and definitely not Christmas or New Years on the 31st. I was hoping for some virtual gathering ideas that could help my family talk to my aunt and uncle and hopefully some other family members these upcoming holidays.


Distantly Gathered

San Jose, CA

Dear Distantly Gathered,

I think that online meetings for Christmas and New Years is a good idea. If you or your aunt and uncle have any special recipes, then you can share them with each other and cook or bake together on Zoom. Another idea is to play a Quizizz game; you can create a fun quiz and send it to your family. Or, if all else fails, you can just talk with your relatives. Either way, you’ll have fun.

Happy Holidays!

The Mask

Are you ready to write to The Mask? Here's the anonymous form. Check back soon for a new issue of Ask The Mask!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Almaden Country Day School. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to replace parental or professional advice. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ask The Mask, Issue 2


Welcome to the second issue of our pandemic advice column, Ask The Mask! "The Mask" is a group of middle school students eager to help with your dilemmas related to the pandemic. If you're a middle school student and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form. We received a ton of letters after Issue 1 was published, so if we didn't get to yours this time, keep checking back because it might appear in a future issue. Okay, on to our new letters!

Dear Mask,

I am struggling in science, but I'm too nervous to ask my teacher a question on Zoom. When I'm in class I can discreetly walk up to the teacher and ask a question, but on Zoom, I have to unmute and talk in front of the whole class. They probably think I'm stupid. What should I do?


Shy Kid

Hartford, CT

Dear Shy Kid,

Asking a teacher can be tough. One option is you can wait for other students to leave the Zoom, and then ask your teacher. Or you can send a private chat to your teacher on Zoom during class. You can use Google Hangouts or Gmail to write to your teacher. Or ask your teacher to make a breakout room or Google Meet for questions if it's not too much trouble. Here’s another thing: There are probably other people in your class with the same question, so if you do ask your teacher out loud, your peers will think you’re brave, not stupid. But if you still don’t feel comfortable, hopefully you can use these other options.

Discreetly yours,

The Mask

Dear Mask,


I have been really struggling with theater. It's something I love, and can't do because of COVID-19! I have been doing theater since I was like four. It’s part of my family, and life. My brother was even on Broadway! I have done a few Zoom musicals, but it isn't the same. It's hard doing theater online. Theater is one of the best ways to make and talk to friends, but in Zoom, it's hard to do that. I wish things were back to normal. What can I do to cope with this?


Frustrated Thespian

Carlsbad, CA

Dear Frustrated Thespian,

I am so sorry to hear this. Many of us have had to stop our favorite sport or activity. I have a few suggestions. You could try writing your own musical! Try giving some parts to your theater friends and your family, and you can get people to watch on Zoom and do a big performance all together on Zoom yet still apart for safety. Things will get back to normal or some sort of normal eventually, and hopefully soon. But because we still don't know when, if there is something else you have shown interest in, now could be a great time for you to try that. I understand that theater is your main hobby, so I hope you’re able to get back to what you love most as soon as it’s safe.

Break a leg!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I was so mad when I found out I could not go out to the mall with my friends. I had asked my mom, and she said no because it is too risky. I just wish things would be how they used to be, when Covid-19 wasn't a thing. All I wanted to do was go hang out with them. That weekend they all went to the mall and I had to stay home. I worry that this might happen again in the near future.


Mad Teenage Girl

Attleboro, MA

Dear Mad Teenage Girl,

You are not the only one going through this. There are lots of other kids not being able to see their friends in public spaces, and it’s okay. There are other ways you can keep in contact with friends. You can talk on FaceTime and text each other. If your mom is okay with it, you can meet outside at a friend's house and social distance and talk with masks on. Your mom knows best, and what she says goes. She is only trying to help you and make sure Covid doesn’t get brought into your house. You just have to cope with it and follow all the health and safety recommendations.

Don’t stay mad!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

All my friends are temporarily online (until January), while I am coming to campus. Recess now consists of aimlessly walking around the blacktop until the whistle blows. What should I do?


Lonely Middle Schooler

San Jose, CA

Dear Lonely Middle Schooler,

Your situation sounds upsetting. If I were you, I would try to find some new people to hang out with when you’re at school. I'm sure people would be willing to include you! There might even be a few other people in your situation, with their own friends all online. Find people with similar interests and ask if you can play a game with them. Try different activities at recess, like Foursquare or Basketball. You can also try to make new friends when you do group work in class. You can still stay close with your online friends after school and over FaceTime or Zoom.

Don’t wait for the whistle!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I'm really thankful that I've been able to return to school in-person. My best friend is full time at home, so I barely see them anymore. We've been really close for about 7 years now and I'm feeling anxious that we're drifting apart. I know they still consider me their friend, but I've noticed that they're calling and hanging out with other people who are also online. I completely understand and support their other friendships, but I'm starting to worry that they're getting closer with them than with me. I can still call and text this friend, but it's been feeling awkward and it happens less frequently. Any ideas of what I could do?


Worried Friend

San Jose, CA

Dear Worried Friend,

This must be hard to deal with. I've also had friends who at one point I was really close to and then we drifted apart. I wish we hadn't. I have some tips for how to make sure that you and your friend don't drift apart. It's hard to hang out in person, as we all know. Even though it seems awkward, try your best to make a fun conversation, or try watching a movie you both enjoy on FaceTime. Hanging out with them, even online, will ensure that you two will stay connected. I too have a friend who started to hang out with some other people. At first I thought she was leaving me forever, but I then realized that it's good to have multiple friends. And remember that this pandemic won’t last forever, and the awkwardness is just temporary. I know you can do it!


The Mask

Are you ready to write to The Mask? Here's the anonymous form. Check back soon for a new issue of Ask The Mask!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Almaden Country Day School. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to replace parental or professional advice. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ask The Mask, Issue 1

Welcome to the first-ever issue of our pandemic advice column, Ask The Mask! "The Mask" is a group of middle school students eager to help with your dilemmas related to the pandemic. (Read more here.) If you're a middle school student and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form. Okay, on to our first batch of letters!

Dear Mask,

My siblings continue to come into my Zoom screens and distract me while I do my schoolwork. It is really hard to focus with them right there distracting me. They have their own work, and when I distract them back, I always get caught. How do I focus on my work or give payback?

Thanks for the help,

Angry Oldest Sibling

San Jose, CA

Dear Angry Oldest Sibling,

That is a tough situation! I have siblings too, and I also feel upset when they distract me. If I were you, I would kindly ask them to stop. Ask them how they would feel if they were getting distracted while trying to focus on school. If possible, try and separate your workspace from theirs; you could move rooms, close or lock the door, or put up a divider. If all else fails, talk to a parent and have them deal with the situation. If nothing works, then yes, give them payback! My favorite payback is to eat all the cookies in the jar.

Good luck!

The Mask

Dear Mask,


I am continuing to be late to my Zoom classes because the links are so confusing and they all look the same. How do I keep them separate and not go to the wrong class?


Zoom Doomed

San Jose, CA

Dear Zoom Doomed,

There are multiple ways to keep your links organized. One way is to make bookmarks and/or bookmark folders in your browser. In these folders, you can label the class of each Zoom link. You can also use a website like to shorten your link and give it a unique name, so like “” However, the link will be public, so anyone can join. Another way is to use a Google Doc with hyperlinks or a notepad to keep your links organized. 

Don’t get lost!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

Being stuck at home is not fun! There is nothing to do except sit on the couch, do homework, sleep, and then repeat. It's like an endless cycle of boredom. Sometimes I am able to go to the store, but that is probably the only time I ever leave the house. All sports are cancelled, and I can feel myself getting lazy. Though I must say that I spend more time with my family while being stuck at home than I ever have. It's nice being able to be together all the time. 


Bored Girl Stuck at Home

Attleboro, MA

Dear Bored Girl,

Here’s a quote I love from Arthur Schopenhauer: “Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.” When you're bored, you can get more creative ideas, which can lead to new things to do. Embrace the boredom! I also suggest trying to find new hobbies and interests. And if your parents are okay with it, you can also try to call some friends and get together outdoors so you can socialize with them and even play some sports. If you’re wearing masks, moving around, and always staying at least six feet apart, you should be safe.

Go boredom!

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have been trying to get revenge on my brother for many months now after he stole my laptop and dropped it from my bedroom window. You may think that him getting grounded for a year would be enough to satisfy me, but it's not!!! I have been planning to wrap my brother up with toilet paper, but all the toilet paper has been running out in the stores. What should I do?!


Mummy Monster

San Jose, CA

Dear Mummy Monster,

I can relate to that as well; having a younger sibling can be tough. Although rolling your brother up in toilet paper sounds like fun, maybe you should come at him with a nicer approach. What if you try talking to him to ask why he dropped your laptop out of your window in the first place, so you can prevent it from happening again? If that doesn't work, then try talking to your parents to see if they can help you and your brother come to peace. I hope that helps!

Good luck!

The Mask

Are you ready to write to The Mask? Here's the anonymous form. Check back soon for a new issue of Ask The Mask!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Almaden Country Day School. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to replace parental or professional advice.