Our inauguration week issue of Ask The Mask begins with two politics-themed letters! We also reply to questions about dealing with friends, parents, and pandemic bedtime. For those who are visiting for the first time: "The Mask" is a group of middle school students eager to help with your dilemmas related to the pandemic. If you're a middle school student and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form. If we don't get to yours right away, keep checking back because it might appear in a future issue.
Dear Mask,
The political state of America is probably the worst we’ve seen in a very long time. So we often talk about it at school. I like these sessions because I get to express my opinion and discuss it with others. However, it’s hard to contain myself when another classmate has an opinion very different than mine. Knowing what’s “right” and what’s “wrong” is a grey area. What do I do when a discussion turns into a heated debate?
San Jose, CA
Dear Debater,
I totally understand your dilemma. It's hard not knowing if what you are saying is insulting to others; that’s something even a lot of politicians don't know! I have some tips for you when you're in a discussion. First, try to think about how you say things. For example, you could say something that isn't directed as an insult but could come out in a way that could make someone else feel bad about their political stance or beliefs. Another tip is to have a practice debate with someone you know and who trusts you. You could play devil's advocate and act as if you were advocating for another side. It's a good way to step back and look at everything from another perspective. Something I like to do is watch the House or Senate debates. It's a good chance to see what they are saying and how they say it so it doesn't offend other members of Congress, although sometimes that does happen. If your conversation does turn into a debate that makes you uncomfortable or uncertain, try changing the topic in a subtle way. If you want to keep the conversation going, you could propose continuing it later. I hope this helps you, and I hope you do well in your debates!
I rest my case,
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I'm very involved in politics. I volunteer my time to phone banks, I write letters to politicians I disagree with and agree with, and I want to be a politician when I'm older. Frankly, I know exactly what I want to do when I'm older. My question is how can I get even more involved with politics while being quarantined and at home?
Future Congresswoman
San Jose, CA
Dear Future Congresswoman,
I know exactly how you feel. I aspire to be a member of Congress as well, and at the beginning of quarantine, I felt the same way you do. Here are a few things that I did to help me stay involved. First, I started a blog. My blog was focused specifically on the 2020 presidential election, and I would analyze all of the debates, statements, and important ideas from all of the candidates and post about them. Another thing you could do is try to find people that share the same interest as you. One way that I found this was through my school’s speech and debate club, where I participated in mock Senate sessions and debated bills. Even if you don’t want to join a club like that or have access to one, I recommend finding a group or maybe some friends that you know to talk with about politics. I know it’s hard with Covid-19, but just keep putting yourself out there and keep trying to make yourself heard. Good luck getting involved, and I look forward to running against you one day!
I’m The Mask, and I approve this message
Dear Mask,
Ever since quarantine started, I've been going to bed later and waking up later. An example is the fact that it is 1:39 a.m. right now! I'm going to bed right after this, I promise! Is there a way that I could fix my sleep schedule even though I have no motivation to?
Stupid Sleep Schedule
[location unlisted]
Dear Stupid Sleep Schedule,
That has happened to me before, so I can completely relate. Here's a few things you could try that have helped me solve this problem. I suggest going to your bedroom and reading at an earlier time, like 8:00 for example, until you get tired. This helped for me because when I had a really good book to read, I was looking forward to going to bed earlier. The difficult thing about this method is that it does take a good and exciting book to look forward to (if you want recommendations, you can submit another question to Ask The Mask!). You can also try going to bed earlier, for example at 9:00, and turning off all of the lights, removing any distractions that you may have in the room like your phone, computer, or iPad, and maybe turning on some relaxing music to help you sleep.
Sweet dreams!
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I have some issues with my friends. They keep begging me to go to school in person, but I don't want to. Even after I told them about my thoughts, they still beg me to go in person. Should I stop calling and talking to them?
Mr. Bumbuhbum
Willow Glen, CA
Dear Mr. Buhbuhbum,
I’m sorry about what you are going through. In my opinion, you shouldn’t take it that personally because they are your friends. Unless they are being really mean about it, you should still be friends with them. Friends will be friends. Think about it like this: They want you there at school with them so much that they keep nagging you. Take it in a good way because you know now that they are your friends. They are eager to talk to you. You can keep insisting you are staying at home and also appreciate how much they like you.
Hope this helps!
The Mask
Dear Mask,
My dad makes me ski really hard runs, and I want to tell him, "Back off, Father, I wanna stay in my little blue box." But I'm scared that he's gonna get mad and be disappointed! What should I do to tell him off?
Skiing Scandal
San Jose, CA
Dear Skiing Scandal,
I can relate a bunch to this. My own parents trick me on doing the hardest ski slopes and it's not fun, especially when I don’t enjoy pushing myself. You do not need to be rude to your dad, either. You still need to be nice. But you do not seem ready for that level of skiing, and if you aren’t ready you shouldn’t do it. I think you should tell him that you don’t feel comfortable and ready. Hopefully he will respect your opinion and not force you to do something that you don’t feel comfortable with yet. Let him know that you’d like support as you get yourself ready to do harder runs.
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I have been at home forever. Usually I am not at home much because I go to school and then straight to the gym for four hours. I am getting tired and want to go outside and do something, even though I can't. How do I keep myself entertained inside even though I really want to go outside when I can't?
San Jose, CA
Dear Bored,
I get what you are saying. We all want to go outside to play. If you have a backyard, you can go play something there. If you have siblings, you can ask them to play with you. You can also go on a hike or bike ride. You can play hide and go seek around the block with your siblings or with friends. But make sure if you play with friends, ask for permission first. There are lots of things to do; you just need to think outside the box.
We’re all in this together!
The Mask
Are you ready to write to The Mask? Here's the anonymous form. Check back soon for a new issue of Ask The Mask!
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