Happy New Year, Mask fans! Here's a new batch of letters about a wide variety of important topics. The Mask, as you know, is a group of middle school students eager to help with all your dilemmas. If you’re a middle school student (or a bit younger or older) and would like The Mask to give you advice, please fill out this anonymous form.
Dear Mask,
There’s this boy. We’re pretty good friends, and he makes me laugh a lot. He likes a lot of the same things I do, and I feel comfortable around him. But the thing is, if I tell people I like him, people will make fun of me because he is considered “weird.” Should I tell him and risk being made fun of, or should I just not say anything?
Confused Person
San Jose, CA
Dear Confused Person,
I know how you feel. It can be hard to decide whether to tell people how you feel, especially if there might be negative consequences to doing so. My advice for you is to go with your heart. Tell him that you like him. It doesn’t matter what other people think about him. The only thing that matters is what you think of him. And if you both are nice and friendly, maybe you can change people’s perspectives of him. It’s a win-win situation. But hey, if people do tease you, tell them not to judge a book by its cover.
You can do it,
The Mask

Dear Mask,
A new test for my class is coming up, and I am always worried that I won’t do well on it. This has been happening each year. How do I sort things out?
Worried Pal
San Jose, CA
Dear Worried Pal,
I get how you feel. I also get stressed out before tests, even if I know the subject well. I’d advise you to make sure to study well the day before or a couple of days before. You could also ask one of your friends to quiz you on things that you know will be on the test. If you study and practice before the test, it could help you feel more confident in your abilities. If you find that you don’t know the topic of the test very well, you can ask your teacher about it before the test, to make sure you understand it. Whatever you do, I’m sure you’ll do great!
No pressure,
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I have recently left a friend, not from school. And I regret it. She used to be my best friend for so long. Should I reach out to her again and make things right? She had made fun of me, lied to me, and shared my secrets; she had stopped being active with me and talking to me after I was always sweet and caring to her. Would I be wrong to reach out to her again because maybe she was just going through something?
Amazing Cool Person
San Jose, CA
Dear Amazing Cool Person,
I understand what you are going through. Sometimes we may take things the wrong way or not fully understand the situation. It sounds like you were close friends with this person for a long time, and there is a good chance that she didn’t mean to hurt you. I think it would be very admirable to reach out and ask her. If she apologizes and you get to hear the whole story, maybe you can forgive each other and be friends again. Just make sure you stay open-minded. If she does start hurting you again, though, draw the line and take care of yourself.
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I love to draw, but I never feel like drawing. When I’m at home, I’d rather be watching TV than drawing in my sketchbook. How do I stay motivated?
Uninspired Artist
San Jose, CA
Dear Uninspired Artist,
I too have been there, unmotivated to do my art. This is my number one tip: If you like watching TV, try to watch videos of people drawing. This might make you want to create a drawing that’s even better, or get you ready to draw. You could also look at different art styles, and it might inspire you to try new things with your art. If you are watching TV at home, you can draw while you are watching, by drawing what you feel or see. But remember: If your art does not turn out the way you want it to, don’t give up!
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I have never bothered anyone, yet most people in my class tease me and tell me I’m nothing. I know that it shouldn’t bother me, but every time they tell me I don’t matter, it makes me feel more like it’s true. What should I do?
Sad Girl
San Jose, CA
Dear Sad Girl,
Sometimes kids make jokes that seem harmless to them but can really hurt. I understand how you may be feeling worthless or self-conscious. Sometimes it's important to reflect on how much you really do matter. This might sound silly, but try standing at the mirror and thinking about everything you love about yourself. You are important to many people, and you will always matter. The next time someone makes a comment or a joke at your expense, try standing up for yourself by making it clear that what they are saying is not funny to you. You might think that this will make them laugh more, but it’s really hard to laugh at someone who’s just told you you’ve hurt them. If you don’t feel confident doing that, try asking a teacher or a trusted adult for help. Whatever happens, I know that you will do the right thing. And remember: You do matter.
With empathy,
The Mask

Dear Mask,
I want to watch a certain movie but my parents say no. How do I convince them to let me watch it?
Human Being in the Universe
The World
Dear Human Being in the Universe,
Parents can be so annoying sometimes. Unfortunately, they are annoying for a reason, and usually it's a good reason. I recommend asking them why you’re not allowed to watch the movie. If their answer is about how you’re not old enough or it’s too inappropriate, you need to do the following: If you are truly dedicated to watching this movie, make a presentation about why you should be allowed to watch it. You’ll be surprised at how hard it is to say no after someone has worked so hard on a whole presentation. If this doesn't work, or you don’t have time to make a presentation, it's time to move on to bargaining. Make compromises, such as, “You can watch it with me,” or, “I will close my eyes whenever you say so.” Whatever you do, I sure hope you get to watch that movie.
The Mask

Dear Mask,
My sister is always late for everything, whether it’s school, events, or eating at the dinner table. She is as slow as a turtle, and I don’t know what to do, since apparently hiding her at the bottom of a river in Bangladesh is “child endangerment.” I need other options than that.
Little Willy
San Jose, CA
Dear Little Willy,
I understand your frustration. I sometimes want to hide my siblings at the bottom a river too! But you are right that it’s illegal, so here are a few tips. If she is not causing you to be late, like at the dinner table, try to calm down with deep breaths. But if she is making you late, here is something you can do: Five or ten minutes before you have to go, tell her that she is already late! This will make her believe that she needs to hurry up, and she will hopefully get there on time. If that does not work, whatever you do, please avoid anything that could be considered child endangerment!
The Mask
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