Before we reveal this week's new letters, it's time for a new teacher problem for you to solve! Here's Ms. Osorio:
- "I would tell people getting the cast list to be happy with whichever role they got." ~ Lydia
- "I think you should say they were perfect for that role and they were the only one for the role, and that's why they got that role." ~ Maddie
- "Each role is special in its own way. For example, if Ariel did not have Scuttle then she would not have made it to shore, and don't forget that if Cinderella did not have her mice then she would not have a dress to wear to the ball. Every role plays a big part in every story." ~ anonymous
- "Announce the cast list online on a Friday night. That way everyone can cry all weekend and be ready to rehearse on Monday." ~ anonymous
- "Just tell them the cast list was randomly generated on a website and you didn't choose it (but you actually did and you're lying)." ~ Frank
Dear Mask,
My older brother keeps punching me and won't stop. How do I beat him up as payback?
Lil Bro
San Jose, CA
Dear Lil Bro,
Some very old and wise philosopher once said, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” Do not, I repeat DO NOT, beat him up as payback. This inevitably will lead to more violence. If your brother is really punching you, tell a parent or other adult about the matter. When you find him at your throat, sometimes the best thing to do is just walk away and not give him the satisfaction of your fear or anger. I hope your situation improves.
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I get really frustrated when my friends say they like a teacher just because they get more free time in that class or the teacher doesn’t check their homework, or that they don’t like a teacher who gives actually difficult assignments. I think it’s unfair to the teachers who put so much effort into making a challenging and compelling class, because students just like the teachers who don’t teach them anything. I try to tell them that the most lenient teachers aren’t always the best, but they still prefer classes that give them more time to chat with friends. Are my friends right? Am I a teacher’s pet?
Teachers’ Pet
San Jose, CA
Dear Teachers’ Pet,
Your friends are wrong; you’re not a teacher’s pet. A teacher’s pet is a person who tries their best to be looked favorably upon by the teacher to get a better grade. You, however, simply enjoy the challenge of a hard class. Some people prefer hanging out and being in a social atmosphere more than solving math equations and finding chemical formulas, and that's okay. Instead of trying to convince your friends to like different teachers, you can start conversations about the challenging and compelling topics you’re all learning about in your classes, and maybe they will come to appreciate it as much as you do.
The Mask
Dear Mask,
I always feel left out, whether it be at lunch, in group projects, or sitting on the bus. I feel like my friends are always ignoring me. What should I do?
Lonely Loser
New York, NY
Dear Lonely Loser,
I know what it’s like to feel invisible or ignored. Before you beat yourself up, please talk to your friends about how you feel. If that is too awkward, try to speak up when you are feeling left out and see if they can include you in the conversation. Sometimes when I feel like this, I realize I need to include myself instead of waiting for them to include me. I am sorry you feel excluded and I hope things turn around.
The Mask
Dear Mask,
What do I do if homework gets too hard?
A Little Busy
Dear A Little Busy,
Well, there are a lot of things you can do. One is to ask for help! Try talking to your parents about any questions you might be stuck on. After all, your parents were in the same grade as you at some point, so they may know a thing or two about what you are learning. If this doesn’t work, you can always ask your teacher. It’s your teacher’s job to help you, so they should be very understanding and help with whatever you need. If none of this seems like a good option, try doing your homework with one of your friends, and hopefully they can help you get a better understanding. Your school also might have a math help program that you can go to during lunch or recess.
The Mask