Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Ask The Mask, Vol. 3, Issue 5

First, thank you to the many readers who submitted responses to Dr. Jorgenson's video for The Mask! Here are five reader suggestions for how administrators can strengthen their relationships with students:

5. Ask students for ideas about what can be improved at school
4. Declare a Student Appreciation Day!
3. Schedule a student-administrator breakfast once a month
2. Learn what is new and cool, so you can do a trending dance out at recess!
1. Switch roles with the students for a day (just give us some time to formulate a lesson plan...)

Remember to keep sending us your problems using this Google Form! Okay, on to a new batch of letters...

Dear Mask,

I am very good at math. I am in an advanced class and have a 101%. But I’m afraid I’m a bit too good. Could you help me get a bit less smart?



37.3387° N, 121.8853° W

Dear Mathematician,

My own current grade in math is a 102%, so I get where you are coming from. I would suggest using the internet. No, not Britannica or Dictionary.com. I mean scrolling endlessly through YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or any other form of social media. As we all know, each time you use social media, your brain slowly rots, brain cell by brain cell. So after about a week, your grade should have dropped from a 101% to a 10.1%. You may find yourself believing that the earth is flat, but at least you will be less smart, like you wanted. P.S. I know where you live.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have trouble making characters seem relatable. I typically have great ideas and I start to write them down, but people wouldn't like them because the character was unrelatable. That makes me sad, because I think they want me to restart, and it's typically on a page when the story's starting to build up. I wish that they saw that I enjoy doing this, and that just because I make a few mistakes doesn't mean it's horrible. But I think they say my characters are unreliable because they don't like my story and don't want me to be sad. But they don't realize that the way they say it is mean. I need your help!


Troubled Man

San Jose, CA

Dear Troubled Man, 

I think it’s amazing that you write so much and enjoy writing. I’m glad that you think you have good ideas and that you trust yourself. I also think it’s highly doubtful that your teachers or others are lying to you. Based on your letter, I’d encourage you to ask your teacher straight up what they think of your stories and how they can help you make them even better. It’s important that writers can take constructive criticism, without getting defensive. During the conversation, if you’re brave enough, you can also mention that you thought their earlier tone was mean, even though you know they didn’t mean to be mean. That way, they can learn too.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I had a best friend who started becoming friends with another person. Now we are all friends, but I learned that my best friend is having secret hangouts with just her, and not inviting me. What should I do?


Sad Friend

San Jose, CA

Dear Sad Friend,

I am sorry that your friend is not being loyal to you. I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt and talk to her about why she is hanging out with your other friend without you. Maybe she has a good reason. But if she doesn’t, she will likely realize she did something hurtful and apologize. If it plays out differently, and they continue being unkind to you, it might be time to find new friends. If this does end up happening, make sure to still at least be friendly toward them, because otherwise you might cause unnecessary drama. Whatever you end up doing, don’t compromise you happiness for your friends.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have a crush on two boys in my grade. One of them is my boyfriend, and I feel guilty for having another crush. I have tried to stop myself from liking the other boy, but I can't.


Stuck in the Middle

San Jose, CA

Dear Stuck in the Middle,

I’m sorry this is happening to you. Try hanging out with each of them individually to see who you have more fun with. Maybe that will help you decide. If you like the other boy more, then tell him (unless he already is with someone) and see how he reacts. But if you like your boyfriend more, then stay with him. Trust your gut, and I know you’ll make the right decision. Continuing a relationship while you have feelings for someone else can be difficult, but realize that being attracted to someone doesn’t always mean you should date them. If you do decide to confront your boyfriend about liking someone else, though, make sure to tell it to him gently. Explain how you don’t think your relationship can progress when he isn’t the one you feel most attracted to.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have a crush on this boy, but I think he hates me. He is rude to me, but my friends say that's his way of flirting. I need help!


I Need Help

Dear I Need Help,

It’s hard to have a crush on someone. Often times people like other people because they know they can’t date them. When someone has a crush, they pay much closer attention to what that person does. This overanalyzing leads to misinterpretation, or noticing every slightly kind thing someone does that would otherwise go unnoticed. All of this is to say that you may be paying attention to all of the times when he could possibly be flirting with you, and overlooking some major red flags. A relationship with someone who’s mean to you all the time is probably doomed from the start. It’s also important for you to identify exactly why you like this person if you’re so passive with their rude behavior. If it’s still hard to tell, try spending a day pretending you don’t have a crush on him, and see how it goes. You might feel better not having to worry or think about if he actually likes you or not. Good luck!


The Mask

Dear Mask,

Every time I try to sleep, my neighbor blasts flipping Josh Hutcherson’s “Whistle” through the window. I hate it!!! I hate that stupid whistle and I'm going to explode if I have it to hear one more time. What should I do?? I need sleep.


Josh Hutcherson Hater


Dear Josh Hutcherson Hater,

I feel your pain. That song makes my ears gag and it ruins my day every time I hear it. If it really is affecting your sleep cycle, then you should bring it up with your neighbor, or leave them a passive-aggressive letter. Ask them to lower the volume, or (even better) to develop better taste in music! As a last resort, you could invest in huge speakers and blast “Baby Shark” louder than their music to drown out this abomination of a song.

Just put your lips together,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I don't know what to do with my pasta. HELP!


Pixie Fisheye Fairy

San Jose, CA

Dear Pixie Fisheye Fairy,

Anyone who eats carbs faces this dilemma at one time or another. Fortunately for you, there are a multitude of solutions! Have you ever tried building a pasta city on your plate? Or learning how to knit with your noodles? You can also create some fancy wall decor that your whole family will love. Feeling romantic? Dress up in your fanciest clothes (including your favorite bow tie of course), drive to a nice restaurant, and while your pasta isn’t looking, pull out a ring. If for some reason you don’t like pasta, then feed it to everyone you know. Especially your pet bird named Harold. 


The Mask

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