Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ask The Mask, Vol. 3, Issue 9

Welcome to our special Valentine's Day issue of Ask The Mask, where every letter is a crush letter!

But first, a new staff question, this time from our beloved librarian, Mrs. Arguello:

If you have a wise and witty response for Mrs. Arguello, please share it here. We might publish your idea in our next issue!

Last week, Mrs. Abouav asked us whether a Swiftie and a non-Swiftie can be friends. Here are some of your responses:

  • "No, friends must always have the same opinions."
  • "That's like asking if two people can be friends if one of them is a dog and the other is a pelican!"
  • "You could find a middle ground, like Olivia Rodrigo."
  • "I had the same situation, and it made me more open-minded and not afraid to try something new. I hated it at first, but then it grew on me and I semi-became a fan of their music. It can be very annoying in the beginning, but your friendship becomes better and deeper, and you learn to accept your friend even if they listen to terrible music."

We have a few more weeks in the trimester, so please continue sending us letters, and we'll publish as many as we can. Please note that if we think your letter has identifiable information about you or others, we will not publish it. If you write a letter about someone else, make sure no one will recognize them.

Okay, now on to our crushes!

Dear Mask,

I'm a freshman and I had a girlfriend, but then she met some guy on Fortnite, and he was really good, so she ended up leaving me. What should I do?


Wookie Pookie


Dear Wookie Pookie, 

I’m so sorry that you are now alone. I recommend eating cookie dough ice cream and watching Gilmore Girls. You should also consider getting better at Fortnite so you can hunt this new boyfriend down in the game and steal his lute. I think that you will find a better girlfriend in the future, a girlfriend who will not leave you for some guy on Fortnite. Keep your head up!

See you on Fortnite,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have a crush on someone and I sorta need to tell people and I don't know how. What do I do?



Dear Someone, 

It is good to talk to people about the important things in your life, so I get why you would want to tell people. Yet it can be hard to talk to them about this sort of thing. Having a crush is a completely normal thing, so your friends will probably be able to relate to you. It may be best to tell them somewhere that is not a public space, so only the people you want to know will know. To tell your friends, the best way is to tell them casually. Just ask them for advice like you would for anything else. I know this can be hard to do, and it will be a little awkward, but it is the best way to go. I hope it goes well!


The Mask

Dear Mask,

Everybody knows who I have a crush on now. Even my crush herself. I know why and how It happened, but I'm unsure how my crush feels about it. It's too confusing, and it’s making me murder all the garlic bread in my way. 


Garlic Bread Monster

Chickenwing City

Dear Garlic Bread Monster,

This is a complicated situation to be in. First, I recommend establishing whether she likes you back. One way to do this is to ask a friend who knows her well to ask her how she feels about you. Another way is to watch her body language. If you notice that she prioritizes spending time with you, has increased her eye contact with you, leans in when talking to you, or mirrors your movements, then she might like you back. Also, don’t murder garlic bread because that’s a crime.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I think I like a girl. I'm not sure though. I think she likes me back. I don't really know if I do like her though. All the books and movies say you feel something. Like you really want to be near that person. Or, like, a spark. But I don't know if I feel this. It's difficult because this girl is my friend. I can't tell if the feeling of wanting to be around her is just the normal friend kind of "I want to be around you." Also it feels especially weird because I am also a girl. I have thought I liked a girl before. But it turned out that I didn't. So I just don’t know. Please don’t answer with "Just follow your heart" or something like that. I want an actual explanation of what "love" feels like. I feel too weird to look it up. Also I don't trust the internet.



San Jose, CA

Dear Queer(?),

This is difficult. It can be hard not to know what you’re feeling, but I can’t tell you what you’re feeling either. Love feels different for each of us. You should know, though, that it’s totally okay to like a girl and be a girl, because romantic attraction isn’t always gendered. I know from personal experience that liking one of your friends can be awkward, but that doesn't mean you can’t still be friends, or even that she doesn’t feel the same way about you. If it is growing difficult to decipher your feelings, you can ask other people who have fallen in love what it felt like for them, but remember that their experiences all will have been different. If it helps, make a pie chart!


The Mask

Dear Mask,

All my friends have been getting into girlfriends and stuff, and I am left alone with NO crush. It's not that I find girls unattractive, I just can't find myself getting heartstruck by anyone in our school or my class. This wouldn't matter if I had anything to say when this topic comes up in our conversations (which it does, quite a lot). Should I be looking for someone to like, and should I try to put more effort into this aspect of life? What's weird is that my friends say I could probably get a girlfriend if I tried, but I never try. Help, Mask!


Socially Awkward Friend

San Jose, CA

Dear Socially Awkward Friend, 

This sounds overwhelming. Coming from a single person, I know how you feel. I'm going to start by saying that you shouldn’t force a crush on anyone. It’s okay not to date in middle school. Not everyone develops crushes, and you’re not the only person at our school who doesn’t have feelings for anybody. If and when you truly feel that you are ready to date someone, remember that girls at your school aren't the only options. You might meet a girl outside of school, or even get heartstruck by someone who’s not a girl. Follow your heart, even if your heart isn’t sending you a message right now.


The Mask

Dear Mask,

I absolutely despise Valentine's Day with all my heart and soul and brain and literally every other body part! It is the ABSOLUTE WORST day of every single year. This is not what you think it is, though. It’s not like I’m utterly heartbroken or anything. I actually quite enjoy the emotional rollercoaster of dating and crushing and heartbreaking. The thing is, I’m in elementary school and if I want to make Valentines I am required to give Valentines to EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN MY GRADE. And some of the people in my grade are… not my favorite people. How can I cope with having to make all of them cards?


Card Crafter

Dear Card Crafter,

I agree. I loath absolutely all people in existence in my grade, as well. Luckily, this Valentine’s Day it will be different. You will finally get revenge for all of the horrible things these people have done to make them so unlikable. Here is the plan: You will put slightly less good stuff inside the bags you will distribute to the people you despise. This passive-aggressive gesture will be sure to teach them a lesson! However, if you are still unsatisfied with the amount of revenge you have perpetrated, I recommend trying a different approach: Get over it, then go up to them and sincerely tell them about how wonderful they are as people. They will be utterly confused about this, and thinking about it will torture their souls almost as much as Valintine’s Day tortures yours.

Mwah hah hah,

The Mask

Dear Mask,

I have an intense crush, and I don’t know if I should go for it. Before I decide, I want to know if our child would look like a celebrity. I heard that ACDS 7th graders have been studying genetics in science class. How do I get the 7th grade class to draw our imagined child?


DNA Dater

San Jose CA

Dear DNA Dater, 

Adam Sandler. Your child will look like Adam Sandler. 


The Mask

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 are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Almaden Country Day School. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to replace parental or professional advice.